"But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man is blessed in his deed." (James 1:25)
Many times in ministering to individuals who are seeking healing, I'll bring a mirror. This mirror is not a physical glass type mirror. It is a special, supernatural mirror designed to give them a true and accurate reflection of who they really are.
The reason I bring this mirror, is that on many occasions the person who is seeking healing has become so consumed with the condition that is plaguing them, that they are unable to see themselves any other way.
This mirror is called “THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY”, which is the Word of God! God’s Word vividly paints a living picture of the freedom, healing, and provision that HE has given us.
There is a reason why the Word of God is called “The Perfect Law of Liberty”.
A “law”, is something that works all the time! God has already done a work in and through Jesus Christ!
John 1:1-14 declares that Jesus is the Word of God, and that all things are created by and through Him. Jesus went onto say that “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Rev 22:13) So this reveals that God has done, and continues to do a great work through Jesus, Who is His Word.
God’s Word is the beginning and the end of your situation.
John 8:31-32 goes on to say "…, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
God’s Word is a law that works every time, all the time!
Once a person becomes consumed with what God has said, their heart begins to be cleansed from the thoughts and images of bondage, and sickness. As a result they begin to think and see images of the healing, and freedom they have in Christ Jesus.
The word “LOOK” in James 1:25 means; "to bend over and peer into, to get a better look." When you begin to peer into the Word of God, you'll begin to see yourself as a person who has been healed, delivered, and made FREE! You'll begin to see an image of health instead of sickness, victory instead of defeat, freedom instead of bondage, prosperity instead of poverty, strength instead of weakness.
You’ll begin to see how valuable you are. (John 3:16)
Colossians 1:13 says that God HAS delivered us from the power of darkness.
2 Peter 1:3 proclaims that God HAS given us ALL THINGS that pertain to life, and godliness.
Luke 10:19 Jesus Himself declares that He HAS given you & I authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us.
Isaiah 53:3-5 & 1 Peter 2:24 tell us that we are healed, and that God HAS healed us.
Glory to God, are you beginning to see the reflection of HEALING, and VICTORY?
James 1:22-25 is telling us to look into this mirror. When we are influenced, impacted and occupied by what we see in the Word of God, that is when we will begin receiving what God has promised us.
Are you consumed with the symptoms’ of sickness today, or are you occupied with 1 Peter 2:24 which declares “BY HIS STRIPES YE WERE HEALED.”?
James 1:25 instructs us to look and to keep on looking into this mirror. "But whoso looketh. . . this man is blessed in his deed." When we begin looking into this mirror that is when we will begin experiencing the blessing and the reality of this truth in our lives.
Being occupied and influenced by our natural understanding is actually reversing the process which God requires for us to receive our freedom.
So many people are being controlled by how they feel. They have allowed their feelings to be the compass of their lives. They exalt these feelings above the most rational thinking, not to mention the Word of God.
By being occupied by these feelings, we literally establish and reinforce the condition the devil has us in. We become cemented in our bondage, limited, restrained and controlled by the deception of the devil.
If one stays in this position long enough, they literally walk into physical and spiritual death!
One of the greatest revelations one can get from the Word of God is that thoughts produce feelings. If you have the wrong feeling it is a sign that you have the wrong thought. If you have the right feeling, that’s an indication you have the right thought!
We should take a life lesson from Abraham our Father in the faith, and imitate him. He refused to consider his own body and he waxed strong in faith LOOKING unto the promises of God. (Romans 4:18-21)
We also can follow after Sarah, Abraham’s wife. We read in Hebrews 11:11 where Sarah "received physical power…because she considered [God], Who had given her the promise, to be reliable and trustworthy and true to His Word." (Amp)
Instead of considering her limitations, which were her age, or the deadness of her womb, Sarah considered the promise of God’s Word, formed faith in her heart, and received strength in her body to conceive a child.
In Numbers 21:8 we read an account where thousands of Israelites were dying, because of snakes that had bitten them. So Moses, under the direction of God, set up a brass serpent on a pole and set it before the people.
In verse 8 we read, "and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he LOOKETH upon it, shall live." Notice the condition was, "everyone who LOOKETH shall live." No one would receive their healing, except on the condition that they LOOK and continue looking at the brass serpent.
This brass serpent on a pole was a prophetic picture of what Jesus Christ would become in behalf of all mankind.
The serpent represented the curse of the law (SICKNESS). The pole represents the cross on which Jesus would be crucified.
In Galatians 3:13 we read where; "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law (sickness), being made a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone who hangeth on a tree."
The word LOOKETH here in Numbers 21:8 infers a continual stare. This wasn’t a glance; they were to continually stare at it until they were healed.
Are you beginning to see it? Jesus became our PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY!
The same is true today. The healing process is completed as we, not only begin to look into the Perfect Law of Liberty, but to keep our focus on JESUS, THE WORD, the Promise of God. We are to give Gods Word our full attention until we form a steadfast faith that receives His life giving power.
Begin looking at the right mirror. Change your focus from the deception of sickness, to the reality of healing. Walk in the freedom of divine health by looking into the Perfect Law Liberty today!
Many times in ministering to individuals who are seeking healing, I'll bring a mirror. This mirror is not a physical glass type mirror. It is a special, supernatural mirror designed to give them a true and accurate reflection of who they really are.
The reason I bring this mirror, is that on many occasions the person who is seeking healing has become so consumed with the condition that is plaguing them, that they are unable to see themselves any other way.
This mirror is called “THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY”, which is the Word of God! God’s Word vividly paints a living picture of the freedom, healing, and provision that HE has given us.
There is a reason why the Word of God is called “The Perfect Law of Liberty”.
A “law”, is something that works all the time! God has already done a work in and through Jesus Christ!
John 1:1-14 declares that Jesus is the Word of God, and that all things are created by and through Him. Jesus went onto say that “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Rev 22:13) So this reveals that God has done, and continues to do a great work through Jesus, Who is His Word.
God’s Word is the beginning and the end of your situation.
John 8:31-32 goes on to say "…, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
God’s Word is a law that works every time, all the time!
Once a person becomes consumed with what God has said, their heart begins to be cleansed from the thoughts and images of bondage, and sickness. As a result they begin to think and see images of the healing, and freedom they have in Christ Jesus.
The word “LOOK” in James 1:25 means; "to bend over and peer into, to get a better look." When you begin to peer into the Word of God, you'll begin to see yourself as a person who has been healed, delivered, and made FREE! You'll begin to see an image of health instead of sickness, victory instead of defeat, freedom instead of bondage, prosperity instead of poverty, strength instead of weakness.
You’ll begin to see how valuable you are. (John 3:16)
Colossians 1:13 says that God HAS delivered us from the power of darkness.
2 Peter 1:3 proclaims that God HAS given us ALL THINGS that pertain to life, and godliness.
Luke 10:19 Jesus Himself declares that He HAS given you & I authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us.
Isaiah 53:3-5 & 1 Peter 2:24 tell us that we are healed, and that God HAS healed us.
Glory to God, are you beginning to see the reflection of HEALING, and VICTORY?
James 1:22-25 is telling us to look into this mirror. When we are influenced, impacted and occupied by what we see in the Word of God, that is when we will begin receiving what God has promised us.
Are you consumed with the symptoms’ of sickness today, or are you occupied with 1 Peter 2:24 which declares “BY HIS STRIPES YE WERE HEALED.”?
James 1:25 instructs us to look and to keep on looking into this mirror. "But whoso looketh. . . this man is blessed in his deed." When we begin looking into this mirror that is when we will begin experiencing the blessing and the reality of this truth in our lives.
Being occupied and influenced by our natural understanding is actually reversing the process which God requires for us to receive our freedom.
So many people are being controlled by how they feel. They have allowed their feelings to be the compass of their lives. They exalt these feelings above the most rational thinking, not to mention the Word of God.
By being occupied by these feelings, we literally establish and reinforce the condition the devil has us in. We become cemented in our bondage, limited, restrained and controlled by the deception of the devil.
If one stays in this position long enough, they literally walk into physical and spiritual death!
One of the greatest revelations one can get from the Word of God is that thoughts produce feelings. If you have the wrong feeling it is a sign that you have the wrong thought. If you have the right feeling, that’s an indication you have the right thought!
We should take a life lesson from Abraham our Father in the faith, and imitate him. He refused to consider his own body and he waxed strong in faith LOOKING unto the promises of God. (Romans 4:18-21)
We also can follow after Sarah, Abraham’s wife. We read in Hebrews 11:11 where Sarah "received physical power…because she considered [God], Who had given her the promise, to be reliable and trustworthy and true to His Word." (Amp)
Instead of considering her limitations, which were her age, or the deadness of her womb, Sarah considered the promise of God’s Word, formed faith in her heart, and received strength in her body to conceive a child.
In Numbers 21:8 we read an account where thousands of Israelites were dying, because of snakes that had bitten them. So Moses, under the direction of God, set up a brass serpent on a pole and set it before the people.
In verse 8 we read, "and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he LOOKETH upon it, shall live." Notice the condition was, "everyone who LOOKETH shall live." No one would receive their healing, except on the condition that they LOOK and continue looking at the brass serpent.
This brass serpent on a pole was a prophetic picture of what Jesus Christ would become in behalf of all mankind.
The serpent represented the curse of the law (SICKNESS). The pole represents the cross on which Jesus would be crucified.
The word LOOKETH here in Numbers 21:8 infers a continual stare. This wasn’t a glance; they were to continually stare at it until they were healed.
Are you beginning to see it? Jesus became our PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY!
The same is true today. The healing process is completed as we, not only begin to look into the Perfect Law of Liberty, but to keep our focus on JESUS, THE WORD, the Promise of God. We are to give Gods Word our full attention until we form a steadfast faith that receives His life giving power.
Begin looking at the right mirror. Change your focus from the deception of sickness, to the reality of healing. Walk in the freedom of divine health by looking into the Perfect Law Liberty today!
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